
我们正在团结大奥马哈地区的人民和企业,通过注重公平来实现我们地区的共同目标, accessible, and modern transportation.

Over the past 12 months, we’ve met with community groups to learn about neighborhood needs, 继续挑战我们的问题以及他们如何看待更好的交通可以增加该地区的机会.

Diverse stakeholders coalesced around our need to address workforce issues, 特别是如何将需要工作的人与该地区现有的工作联系起来. Transitioning neighborhoods also ranked high, 以及我们如何利用不断发展的新兴技术来满足我们未来的需求.

A wealth of information mined from countless community conversations, 焦点小组和公民领袖的意见是在4个以上的反馈之上分层的,000 individuals across the region about transportation preferences.


Goals        Principles        Process    

ConnectGO战略将重新构想和现代化我们的交通系统,以确保它有助于进一步实现四个基本社区目标. The goals were identified through public engagement, reviews of past plans and studies, and the collective expertise of people living and working across the region.

Access to Opportunity

  • 我们的多式联运系统将使人们在合理的时间内到达他们喜欢的目的地, regardless of age, ability, or neighborhood.
  • 我们将最大限度地为以任何方式出行的人们提供教育、就业和医疗服务.

Talent Attraction & Retention

  • 我们的交通系统将有助于提高生活质量,既能吸引本地居民,也能吸引住在其他地方的人.
  • 大奥马哈将通过提供各种令人愉快的社区来支持多样化的生活方式, from rural to urban.

Economic Growth Throughout the Region

  • 我们的交通系统将帮助我们作为个人、社区和地区实现繁荣.
  • 我们的运输系统将安全可靠地运送货物和人员.
  • 通过战略性基础设施投资,带动高附加值房地产开发和社区振兴.

Stewardship of the Transportation System

  • 我们将为现有的交通基础设施状况感到自豪, prioritizing its maintenance and rehabilitation.
  • ConnectGO将在规划未来项目时考虑长期运营和维护成本.

ConnectGO Principles

已经出现了一套由社区定义的五项原则来指导ConnectGO计划. These principles will shape the projects, 政策和计划将最终合并成一个统一的区域交通战略. 

Put People First

建筑环境的质量和特点对人们的生活有着深远的影响. ConnectGO将尝试通过支持健康的交通战略来改善人们的生活, safety, fun, and economic security.

Ensure Equity

ConnectGO将在战略制定过程和战略提出的结果中争取公平. Together, 我们将建立一个交通系统,帮助解决不平等的持久影响,并包括为整个地区所有年龄和能力的人提供服务的选择.

Be Transformative

ConnectGO计划将采取一种全面的方法来解决我们地区一些与交通相关的最大挑战, incorporating strategies related to land use, placemaking, 除了传统的交通项目,还有劳动力的发展, policies, and programs. We will not shy away from bold, visionary actions.

Create Resilient Communities

ConnectGO将提供创新的交通方式,促进财政, operational, and environmental sustainability. With an eye toward emerging technologies and a future-focused approach, ConnectGO will play a key role in our region’s competitive future.


Success at a regional scale is only possible when we work together. To build an implementable plan that stands the test of time, we will develop the ConnectGO strategy through community-wide input, 保留当地的决策,同时协调整个城市的交通策略, county, and state boundaries.


Key Engagement Findings

Phase 1 collected feedback from more than 4,000 individuals across the region about transportation preferences. 人们目前的出行方式与他们更喜欢的出行方式之间存在着明显的脱节.

Key Findings

ConnectGO is all about asking the right questions:

I’ve been hearing a lot about transportation in the news lately. 既然这么多人已经在制定交通计划,我们为什么还需要另一个交通计划呢?
  • ConnectGO addresses how all current and future transportation efforts can connect to create an equitable, accessible, and modern regional transportation system. Together, 我们正在制定一项协调现有交通倡议的战略,并制定一项行动计划,以确保我们能够应对更大的社区挑战.
  • Our work to date shows that access to safe, affordable, and efficient transportation is a priority for residents, businesses and institutions across the region. However, 我们中的一些人由于收入原因无法使用现有的交通系统, ability, age, or where they live. This prevents people from getting to and from good-paying jobs, school, recreation, and limits growth in our region. Lack of access equates to lack of opportunity.
What do you mean by “bold”?

我们认为,这种交通策略必须具有变革性,才能发挥作用. 如果我们现在不采取大胆行动,我们地区的竞争价值就会下降. 

如果我们要实现区域成功的未来愿景,就必须留住人才,并吸引新的居民. 数据显示,便利的各种交通方式对下一代具有吸引力.

How big is the ConnectGO footprint?
  • The ConnectGO goals and principles were defined through input input from people in the urban, suburban, 以及组成大奥马哈地区的农村社区——像你们这样的人.
  • ConnectGO encompasses all forms of transportation, including how we maintain and preserve our roads and how we use land. 交通对人们的生活产生了重大影响,因为我们通过交通获得教育, employment and each other. 虽然你可能会也可能不会在你自己的交通体验中看到重大变化, 通过ConnectGO,我们的社区将变得更加强大,联系更加紧密.
  • The ConnectGO goals and principles were defined through input input from people in the urban, suburban, 以及组成大奥马哈地区的农村社区——像你们这样的人.
  • ConnectGO encompasses all forms of transportation, including how we maintain and preserve our roads and how we use land. 交通对人们的生活产生了重大影响,因为我们通过交通获得教育, employment and each other. 虽然你可能会也可能不会在你自己的交通体验中看到重大变化, 通过ConnectGO,我们的社区将变得更加强大,联系更加紧密.
I will always need to drive a car to get around. How will better regional transportation affect me?

Of course cars will remain a key mode of transportation. 但是路上的车越少——因为我们有更多的选择——意味着时间越短, safer commutes for those who drive and, with less wear and tear on our roads, can help us better manage the costs of road repairs in the future.


ConnectGO Logo White

ConnectGO是一项大胆的交通战略,将大奥马哈的人民和企业团结在我们地区的共同目标周围. Focusing on equitable, accessible, 现代交通提高了我们的生活质量,增强了我们的经济实力, ConnectGO will connect people, opportunities, 通过可行的交通策略为今天和明天服务. ConnectGO is an initiative of the Greater Omaha Chamber, Metro Smart Cities, and Metro Area Planning Agency (MAPA)